Layout & Design

Here i attach the layout and design (rough sketch of it) of my part of the assignments.

The same layout will be utilized for History & Legend and About Us.

As you can see these are the layout that i've plan for the links Home, About Us, Tioman an Intro and History & Legend.

Home is very important as it is the first thing that people will see when visiting our web. As you can see, the first thing that visitor would see upon clicking our web link is the flash application. I will be making a slide show with several pictures of Tioman just enough to tease the curiosity.

In About Us, i will be explaining why we created the web and our initial proposal.

As for the smaller column on the right, it will be a little space to put the details n pictures of my group members.

As for the banner, it would be created by Hawanie.

p/s : the links for Water Attractions and Accommodations will be under Hawanie while Eatery & Shopping will be handled by Ashikin.

After looking through our GUI design for each link, all of the link have very different and distinctive design. It just doesn’t seem right for a website to have such different appearance. Therefore, after several discussions and advice from some friends of ours, we decided to change our GUI design into a more similar and simple design. Just to give the website a sense of coherency with each link the visitor click upon.
This is the new and improved GUI of our web that we've decide upon.

Here are the screenshots from our completed website.

The screenshot of INTRO

This is the screenshot for History and Legend. It was suppose to be layout as Intro, but i decided to go with this instead while doing it.

This is 'About Us'

This is the banner i made for the website.
I did save the screenshots from photoshop while making this banner/header... But while trying to open my Assignment 1 psd file before submitting it (for final submission along with assignment 3) my laptop crashed. All of my work are in that laptop and i have no backup file. As you can see i can only give you is a screenshot of the banner taken from the web itself. I guess it wasnt a good idea to open Dreamweaver and Photoshop at the same time using a 5 year old laptop.